The Man Who Stole the Stars Guitar Sheet Music_yihuik苡慧_F调版弹唱和弦谱

The Man Who Stole the Stars Guitar Sheet Music_yihuik coixi hui_Tone of F version strumming and chord sheet music illustration

yihuikTheThe man who stole the stars.", an interlude from "Sneaky Can't Hide". I was the time stealer in this crush because every time I glanced at you, it seemed like ages and ages had passed. My eyes have seen your eyes, my fingertips have passed by your cuffs, and every star I folded had your name written on it, while you effortlessly stole my entire heart.

The Man Who Stole the Stars Guitar Sheet Music_yihuik coixi hui_Tone of F version strumming and chord sheet Illustration 1

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