I want to embrace you in the mediocre life guitar sheet music_Next door Lao Fan_F key version of the playing and singing sheet music

How much do I want to embrace you in the mediocrity of life Guitar Sheet_Next Door Laofan_Tone of F version of the strumming sheet illustration

Fan, the guy next door (Cantonese)TheHow I want to embrace you in the mediocrity of life", a song from the album "I Was", when life is saturated with mediocrity, ripple-free mundanity is the norm, but even so, I'd like to embrace you with all the passion I can muster to blossom brilliantly in this mediocre life.

How much do I want to embrace you in the mediocrity of my life Guitar Sheet Music_Next Door Lao Fan_F key version of the strumming sheet music Illustration 1
How much do I want to embrace you in the mediocrity of my life Guitar Sheet_Next Door Laofan_F tuning version of the strumming sheet Illustration 2
How much do I want to embrace you in the mediocrity of my life Guitar Sheet_Next Door Laofan_F tuning version of the strumming sheet Illustration 3

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