Drunken Red Cliff Guitar Sheet Music_J.J. Lin_A key version guitar sheet music

Drunken Red Cliff Guitar Sheet Music_J.J. Lin_Tuning A Version Guitar Playing Sheet Music Illustration

Drunken Red CliffGuitar sheet music, a Chinese style love song, with the background of the Three Kingdoms characters, but the romantic and sensual route, full of pure Chinese classical flavor. From Xiaoye song arrangement playing sheet music, according to the original listening arrangement, and the original song bass and drums rhythm. The performance involves a number of key changes, and the rhythmic fingering of both the left and right hands is a bit difficult, so more practice is needed.

Drunken Red Cliff Guitar Sheet Music_J.J. Lin_Tuning A Version Guitar Playing Sheet Music Illustration 1
Drunken Red Cliff Guitar Sheet Music_J.J. Lin_Tuning A Version Guitar Playing Sheet Music Illustration 2
Drunken Red Cliff Guitar Sheet Music_J.J. Lin_Tuning A Version Guitar Playing Sheet Music Illustration 3
Drunken Red Cliff Guitar Sheet Music_J.J. Lin_Tuning A Version Guitar Playing Sheet Music Illustration 4
Drunken Red Cliff Guitar Sheet Music_J.J. Lin_Tuning A Version Guitar Playing Sheet Music Illustration 5

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