Simple Love Guitar Sheet Music_Jay Chou_C Key Fingerstyle Six Line Score

Simple Love Guitar Sheet Music_Jay Chou_Fingerstyle Version in C Sixth Line Illustration

Jay Chou (1979-), Taiwanese pop starThesimple loveIn this complicated world, there is an innocent and simple love. It doesn't need gorgeous promises, just two sincere hearts clinging to each other.

Simple love guitar sheet music, C key original tuning version of the guitar strumming spectrum, from the Sun schoolmaster compilation of six-line spectrum, boys tune, girls play and sing variable tuning clip clip 3-5 pins. Rhythmic type used two main, mainly decomposition plus beat string fingering.

Simple Love Guitar Sheet Music_Jay Chou_Fingerstyle Version in C Sixth Line Illustration 1
Simple Love Guitar Sheet Music_Jay Chou_Fingerstyle Version in C Sixth Line Illustration 2
Simple Love Guitar Sheet Music_Jay Chou_Fingerstyle Version in C Sixth Line Illustration 3

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