You at the same table guitar sheet music_Old Wolf_C key version guitar sheet music

Guitar Sheet Music for You at the Same Table_Lao Wolf_Guitar Playing Sheet Music in Key of C illustration

The classic school ballad "TheYou're at the same table.The simple guitar melody and shallow lyrics of the song have hidden the darkness of many people's hearts. It has become the most sentimental parting song at the time of graduation, and when I listen to it again, the faces that have been blurred in my memory start to become clear.

You at the same table guitar sheet music to share, come from their own trio of music arranged guitar sheet, C key version of the guitar six-line sheet music, playing and singing advice variations clip clip the second product, throughout the almost all a decomposition of the rhythmic pattern cycle, chords are also relatively simple, is very suitable for beginners to learn to master.

You at the Same Table Guitar Sheet Music_Lao Wolf_C Key Version Guitar Playing Sheet Music Illustration 1
You at the Same Table Guitar Sheet Music_Lao Wolf_C Key Version Guitar Playing Sheet Music Illustration 2

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