Shanghai Tang Guitar Sheet Music_Ye Li Yi_C Key HD Version Playing Guitar Sheet Music

Shanghai Tang Guitar Sheet Music_Ye Liyi_C Key HD Version Playing Guitar Sheet Music Illustration

Esther Yipof theShanghai TangIt is a classic old song, with its strong melodic ups and downs, vividly depicting the turbulent waves of the Shanghai Bund and the changing winds and clouds of the old times.

The guitar sheet music for Shanghai Tang is a collection of movie and TV gold songs, arranged and shared by Pangaea. This isC major(used form a nominal expression)high definition versionguitarssing and play (plucked string instrument)The score is divided into two charts. When playing, special attention needs to be paid to controlling the tempo, accurately grasping the timing of the floating point rhythm, and the intensity change of the sweeping strings in the chorus part, in order to reflect the momentum and emotion of the song.

Shanghai Tang Guitar Sheet Music_Ye Liyi_C Key HD Version Playing Guitar Sheet Music Illustration 1
Shanghai Tang Guitar Sheet Music_Ye Liyi_C Key HD Version Playing Guitar Sheet Music Illustration 2

This guitar sheet music or video copyright belongs to @ Pangu Kai Tiandi, this site contains references only for the piano friends to learn reference, if there is infringement, please @ contact the editor to delete immediately!

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