What I'm Looking Forward To Is Not Snow Guitar Sheet Music_Zhang Miaoge_G Key Fingerstyle Guitar Six Line Score

What I Expected Wasn't Snow Guitar Sheet Music_Zhang Miaoge_Fingerstyle Version in G Key Guitar Sixth Line Sheet Music illustration

Zhang Miaogaoof theIt's not the snow I'm looking forward to.The song combines the sadness of the past and the anticipation of the future in a dynamic and melancholic melody. The lyrics, "The snow is my loneliness, but love's firmness makes this winter not so long," expresses that even on a lonely snowy night, the power of love can make people feel warm.

The guitar sheet music for "It's Not the Snow I'm Expecting" has been arranged by Octave Court and is available in high-resolution triple charts. Two accompaniment patterns are used in the arrangement: an eighth-note breakdown rhythm for the main part of the song, and a sweeping accompaniment of first eights and then sixteenths for the chorus. Both rhythms are neatly fingered and do not change throughout the song, making them relatively easy to play.

What I Expected Wasn't Snow Guitar Sheet Music_Zhang Miaoge_Fingerstyle Version in G Key Guitar Sixth Line Sheet Music Illustration 1
What I Expected Wasn't Snow Guitar Sheet Music_Zhang Miaoge_Fingerstyle Version in G Key Guitar Sixth Line Sheet Music Illustration 2
What I Expected Wasn't Snow Guitar Sheet Music_Zhang Miaoge_Fingerstyle Version in G Key Guitar Sixth Line Sheet Music Illustration 3

This guitar sheet music or video copyright belongs to @ eight sound court, this site contains references only for the piano friends to learn reference, if there is infringement, please @ contact the editor to delete immediately!

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